Thursday, 17 December 2015

How the maker movement inspires every student to love learning

No matter the subject, making and collaborating engages students in inspiring ways

You know the maker movement has hit the big leagues when even the President is talking about it.
Earlier this year, for the National Week of Making, President Obama issued a call to action to educators, designers, and makers of all stripes. “During National Week of Making, we celebrate the tinkerers and dreamers whose talent and drive have brought new ideas to life, and we recommit to cultivating the next generation of problem solvers,” he said. “As the maker movement grows, I continue to call on all Americans to help unlock the potential of our Nation and ensure these opportunities reach all our young people, regardless of who they are or where they come from.”
It’s a great vision but what does it actually mean for the teachers in the classroom?
I was about to learn firsthand.
A few years ago, my husband left a career in finance and went back to school to obtain his teaching credential. He landed a job teaching eighth-grade U.S. History to the amazing kids at Helms Middle School in San Pablo, CA. It seemed he had found his calling.
I’m not an educator per se, but little did I know that I would soon be in the classroom too.
My husband knows that I work for a software company that does stuff with 3D printing and that we get free tickets to Maker Faire, but that’s usually the extent of his interest in my profession. So I was shocked when he asked me to be a guest speaker in his class that first year.
While planning my first lesson for his students I asked myself, “What should I do?” How do I integrate design, modeling and 3D printing into an eighth grade U.S. history lesson? Where do the maker movement and history intersect?
I had planned to show the kids how to draw relevant historical monuments using software and then create 3D models, followed by an overview of 3D printing. But in true maker fashion, the students had ideas of their own. After nodding politely to their teacher’s wife, they got to work.
They started talking to each other, helping each other, laughing with each other. I stood back next to my husband and tried to lend a hand where I could, but it was hardly necessary. The kids were doing it themselves. At the end of the class, I asked the students how they felt about what they’d just learned.
They raised their hands and shouted out answers and sought me out to ask more questions. When the bell rang, they thanked me for my time. When the last student had left the classroom, my husband turned to me and said, “You know what was interesting about today? The kids that were the most engaged are the ones I can never connect with. They never raise a hand. They never care,” he shared. “Today they cared. Today they asked questions. Today they were engaged.”
That day with my husband’s students showed me firsthand the impact of the maker movement migrating into schools; it’s waking up classrooms, kids, and teachers. It’s fun, simple and—most of all— engaging. And it just might help educators connect with hard-to-reach students.
It can really be applied in a variety of ways across disciplines. In response to the President’s call to action during the National Week of Making, a new learning platform for teachers, called Project Ignite, was launched to bring the latest technology like 3D Design, 3D printing, and electronics into their classrooms.
“Project Ignite has been a wonderful addition to the classroom and I love what it does for my students’ excitement, engagement and overall interest with design and 3D printing technology,” Kim Coyle, an educator at Middle School of Plainville in Plainville, CT, told me. “Our goal is to inspire and prepare the students to be the next generation of innovators, so we’re expanding Project Ignite into other grade levels and looking into creating a makerspace next year to provide an environment that nurtures the students’ curiosity and creativity.”
Maker-based learning is starting to take hold. And luckily we are already seeing the results in the classroom.

Friday, 11 December 2015

How to choose the right programming language for students

With Hour of Code at hand, a look at the top programming languages for every age

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” -John Woods
programming-languageWay back in the 1970s, working as a computer programmer was quite prestigious, and if you wanted to get into computer programming, your potential employer would more often than not put you through a batch of aptitude tests in order to determine your suitability: even if you had a degree.
Nowadays, programming is more widespread and you don’t need a degree to be a programmer; it’s no longer mainly for scientists and engineers: students studying the humanities, English as a foreign language students, people building websites, and a whole host of other folks are learning to program. This non-technical article will give you novices [non-expert instructors] out there some basic guidance in choosing a programming language that is appropriate not only for your students’ needs, but for faculty and staff interested in online basics.
The most important question on people’s minds will probably be, “What programming language(s) do I need to learn?”
In order to answer this question, a personal PAL (Purpose, Ability, and Level) should be able to help. A person’s PAL will guide him or her through the complex maze of programming languages so that he or she can find the most suitable one(s):
Purpose: What you need to do, will determine what programming language(s) you need to learn. It is of the utmost importance that your purpose is correctly served by the use of an appropriate programming language: choosing the wrong one may result in a program that is wholly unsuitable for your purposes–as well as wasted hours of code writing.
Ability: If you aren’t especially logically wired, avoid learning difficult programming languages. If you are faced with choosing from several almost equally appropriate programming languages–always go for the one(s) that are most appropriate for your ability–otherwise, you’ll soon discover that “Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.”
Level: Make sure that the chosen programming language is at a suitable level of complexity and appropriateness. You wouldn’t try to teach calculus to kids at grade school–so don’t select programming languages that are either excessively complex or inappropriate for your students’ level of maturity and education. Let’s now look at some specific situations…
According to the prestigious IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), the top twenty programming languages to learn right now are as follows:
  1. Java
  2. C
  3. C++
  4. Python
  5. C# (pronounced C-sharp)
  6. PHP
  7. JavaScript
  8. Ruby
  9. R
  10. MATLAB (matrix laboratory)
  11. Perl
  12. SQL
  13. Assembly
  14. HTML
  15. Visual Basic
  16. Objective-C
  17. Scala
  18. Shell
  19. Arduino
  20. Go
Programming for beginners/young students
Programming languages can be taught to beginning students—especially kids. Here are three programming languages worth considering:
Turtle Art: “Turtle Art is an activity with a Logo-inspired graphical ‘turtle’ that draws colorful art based on Scratch-like snap-together visual programming elements.”
Scratch: Scratch allows children to program their own interactive stories, games, and animations; these can be shared online with other users.
Tynker: Beginners can learn the basics of programming or coding games with this programming language.
Programming for middle and high school kids
VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is a programming language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic: this will probably be the first formal programming language learned. You, as a teacher, should also learn it!
Teachers might also like to look at Lua, and Papyrus for Skyrim.
Building a website for business, pleasure, or education
If you, or a student, are interested in building a website, you will need to know the following programming languages:
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is an example of a Markup language: the programming language that is used to write the code for your website: currently HTML5.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). This is the programming language used for describing the web pages written in a Markup language. It controls the actual appearance of the web pages that you see when you visit a website.
JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create an interactive environment within web browsers.
jQuery is a JavaScript library of codes, which is noted for its speed, compactness, and feature rich content; it has changed the way that people write JavaScript: most web developers prefer to use this than write straight JavaScript because jQuery is easier and can perform all the same tasks with less code.
You might also like to look at one of the following programming languages: PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), Ruby, or Python. Incidentally, it is said that Python is currently the most popular language for teaching introductory courses in computer science at top-ranked U.S. university departments.
Incidentally, building an educational website can be a great tool for teaching English as a foreign language, humanities students, and other foreign language students: it shouldn’t be thought that websites are only for sciences and math students. Build your own website and use it for setting online homework, multiple choice tests, and quizzes – include a students’ blog and then sit back and watch your students enjoy it.
Building a website may seem challenging, but it’s not as difficult as it seems. HTML is, comparatively speaking, an easy language to learn; furthermore, CSS code can be mastered with a little bit of perseverance, and jQuery is well worth learning to use.
(Next page: when to pick COBOL, SQL, C, and more)
Programming for business
If a student is interested in becoming a programmer in the business world, two programming languages to become familiar with are:
COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) is used for payroll, accounting, and other business application programs.
SQL (Structured Query Language – for databases) is a specially designed programming language for managing data in relational database management systems; it is mainly used for its ‘Query’ function, which is used to search informational databases.
Programming for academia, education, research and industry
If you as a faculty or IT member are involved in research, education, or industry:
MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is widely used in all fields of applied mathematics, in academia, education, research, and in industry. As a programming language, it is one of the easiest for writing mathematical programs.
C languages   (C, C++, C#, Objective-C) one or more of these general-purpose programming languages are well worth knowing, wherever you go.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Two simple mindful meditation exercises for teachers

exercises for teachers
Mindfulness can help teachers reduce stress and boost confidence. Clinical psychologist Erin Olivo shares her handy guide for getting started

 Take a mindful moment with these simple exercises for teachers.
Clinical psychologist and author

Teaching can be hard, and reports tell us those in the profession feel under increasing pressure. A BBC investigation earlier this year found that stress-levels have soared in recent years due to increased workloads.

In my 20-years of practice as a psychologist, I’ve found that mind-body strategies such as mindfulness meditation are one of the best ways to combat stress and anxiety – especially for teachers.

Research backs this up. There have been more than a dozen research studies, including one from RMIT University (pdf), that have investigated the impact of mindfulness for teachers. There is strong evidence that it can:

Reduce stress and feelings of burn out.
Improve emotional health, including self-confidence, empathy, compassion and patience.
Enhance teachers’ ability to concentrate and focus.
Improve health, including reductions in absenteeism.
Enhance job performance (better classroom management etc).

Could mindfulness help teachers manage stress?
 Read more
But while mindfulness and meditation are no longer reserved for Buddhist retreats, you might still be unsure about how to integrate this practice into your life.

Understanding mindfulness
Meditation can be broadly defined as any activity that involves controlling your attention. Mindfulness is about focusing on whatever is happening moment-by-moment without being judgmental. In mindfulness meditation, you actively choose to control where your mind goes.

For example, you can choose to pay attention to your breath or the sounds around you. While that seems fairly simple, once you actually try it you’ll discover that your attention easily wanders.

However, it’s worth battling that because practising the regulation of attention ultimately helps you to live more in the present moment, and reduces the our tendency to worry about the past or future. This is hugely important because these tendencies are the root cause of much anxiety.

Each time you gently and non-judgmentally notice your attention wandering and actively bring it back to the object of your meditation, you are strengthening your mindfulness muscles. This is why it’s called a practice; mindfulness, like all skills, is something you develop over time.

Here are two practices for teachers to try before class begins, during your lunch break or before you go to sleep.

A mindful moment
Designate something as a signal for you to take a mindful moment, such as the ringing of the bell between classes, getting a text message or stopping at a light on the way to school.

The idea is to bring mindful attention to ordinary activities and just focus and observe. Briefly shine the spotlight of your attention on your breathing body, by first taking a moment to observe yourself inhale and exhale a couple of breaths. Don’t worry about changing your breathing in any way – the point is to simply notice it.

Next, take a moment to scan your body to see if you are holding any tension anywhere. If you are, try to send your next breath to that part of your body to release it. You can do this by imagining the breath entering your body and travelling to the place of tension, and then back out again on the exhale.

Before you conclude the practice, you might want to take a quick moment to give yourself a bit of encouragement: “I’ve got this, I’m going to take it moment by moment.” Or set an intention for bringing the mindful attention you just cultivated with you into the rest of your day: “I’m going to try my best to be present today.” Informal mindfulness is very handy – it’s when you are at your busiest that you need mindfulness most.

Mindfulness of breath
This is the formal meditation practice most people start with when they are first learning. It can be done for anywhere from five to 30 minutes or more.

I suggest that you start with a short period of time and slowly spend longer as you get better.

I like doing this first thing in the morning or before I go to bed, and you might try practising this in your classroom before your students arrive.

Find a quiet spot, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. It really doesn’t matter where you are when you practise as long as you can sit, stand or lie down without being interrupted for the duration. Imagine your attention is a spotlight that you can actively shine on whatever you choose to observe.

Once you are settled, direct this spotlight on your breathing. Observe the sensation of breath wherever you notice it: the rise and fall of your chest or abdomen, or the air entering and exiting your mouth or nostrils.

Without trying to change it in any way, simply notice the inhale/exhale cycles that occur. When you find that your attention has wandered, gently redirect the spotlight back to your breath.

One technique you might want to try as you’re learning to meditate, is counting your breaths. This will help you quiet your thinking mind by giving it a task to complete. After your first out breath, silently count one, and then after the next inhale and exhale, count two and so on, until you reach 10. If you become distracted at any point, gently refocus your spotlight back on to your breath and begin again with one.

When you’re ready to conclude your practice it’s a good idea to take a moment to acknowledge the time you have just spent cultivating calm and attention. You might try ending with a silent affirmation and intention such as, “I am peaceful and calm. Let me bring this into my life.”

Try doing these practices daily and you’ll soon reap the benefits of mindfulness meditation in all areas of your life.

Erin Olivo is the author of Wise Mind Living and a licensed clinical psychologist.

Monday, 7 December 2015

What can teachers learn from high-performance sport? Plan for injury!

What can teachers learn from high-performance sport? Plan for injury!

Yesterday I went to a brilliant day of professional development at Ark Globe Academy called Teach Like a Top Athlete: Coaching and Mastery Methods. I went to a workshop run by the amazing Jo Facer on Mastery Planning, and one by the equally amazing Dan Lavipour and Michael Slavinsky called What Can Teachers Learn From High Performance Sport? Dan is a former Olympic coach who now works in youth sports performance; Michael is a former French teacher and the Teaching and Learning Director at Researchers in Schools. Dan and Michael formed a great double act, as Dan talked us through some principles of high performance sport, and Michael drew out some of the analogies for the classroom. And there were tons of analogies. I think a lot about the links between sport and teaching, but these two took it to another level. There were dozens of things I could have chosen to blog about – deliberate practice, the theory of self-determination, the links between the conjugate periodization of training and linear exam courses – but the one that I am going to restrict myself to for now is what Dan and Michael had to say about planning for injury. In sport, injury happens. Netballers get ankle and knee problems; fast bowlers get stress fractures; footballers get hamstring issues. When you plan for injury, you work out what the common injuries are in your discipline and set up training plans that attempt to prevent such injuries.
So is there an analogy with teaching here? Obviously it’s not perfect, but I think there is. In our subjects, we can work out what the top 10 most common misconceptions or errors are, and set up our schemes of work to try and anticipate and prevent them. Here’s an example: I once did an analysis of recalled GCSE scripts in English which showed that ambiguous pronouns were a  major weakness and a real impediment to understanding. Pupils used ‘it’ and ‘they’ a lot, without always being clear who or what those pronouns were referring to.  Some targeted work on pronouns and antecedents could have helped improve clarity.
How can we identify such common misconceptions? In many subjects, we’ll already have a good idea, and in maths and the sciences, there are plenty of great resources out therelisting them. But Michael suggested another profitable method: analysing examiners’ reports to see what issues seem to crop up again and again. This is something I started doing when I was researching my book, Seven Myths about Education. I included one example in the book: an examiners’ report which explained that many pupils thought a glacier was a wild tribe of humans from the north. In the report’s words:
Given the current interest in environmental issues, and the popularity of a particular type of film and television programme, it was surprising that a number of candidates seemed unaware of what a glacier is and some seemed to be convinced that the glaciers were some sort of tribe, presumably advancing from somewhere in the north.
There are other examiners’ reports which helpfully list the common writing errors made by pupils. This one, for example, from OCR:
Common errors included not marking sentence divisions, confusion over its and it’s, homophone errors (there/their/they’re and to/too), writing one word instead of two (infact, aswell, alot, incase, eachother) and writing two words instead of one (some one, no where, country side, your self, any thing, neighbour hood). A surprising number of candidates used capitals erratically: for example, they did not feature at the beginning of names but did appear randomly in the middle of words.
These reports also have interesting things to say about the use of PEE paragraphs, and mnemonic techniques like AFOREST. But my favourite type of  examiners’ reports are the ones on unseen reading and writing exams.  The unseen reading texts can be on any topic, and often, the examiners’ report ends up lamenting the students’ lack of knowledge about some crucial aspect of thet ext. They provide perfect examples of how reading is not a skill, and why background knowledge is crucial for comprehension. Here’s just a few examples of what I mean.
Most candidates were able to gain a mark for the next part of the question stating that the whale shark eats plankton. However a number of candidates offered no answer, perhaps they did not recognise plankton to be food, although the context should have made this clear.(WJEC)
The first part of the question simply asked candidates to note the distance Mike Perham had travelled on his round-world voyage. Most selected the correct distance: 30,000 miles, though some over-complicated the response by confusing the distance the report said Perham still had to cover on the final leg of his journey with the total distance. This led to some candidates saying the whole journey was 30,300, whilst others reported the voyage to be just 300 miles. (WJEC)
I thought that I might be apologising for how embarrassingly straightforward this question was but it proved to be inexplicably difficult as many of the candidates just could not focus their minds on the reasons why the Grand National is such a dangerous race. I know that comparison has always been difficult but this question was set up to make things as straightforward as possible. Still it seemed like an insurmountable hurdle, the examining equivalent of Becher’s Brook, at which large numbers fell dramatically. I cannot really explain why so many candidates got themselves into such a tangle with this question. Many of them went round in circles, asserting that the race was dangerous because it was dangerous. (WJEC)
However, what was very noticeable was that many candidates had very little idea of what was in these places or why someone might want to visit (except for Alton Towers of course). Specific attractions were often in very short supply and usually were just mentioned in passing before the article got to the serious business of shopping and eating. I have to admit that the idea of making a day trip to London or Manchester to shop in Primark or eat in KFC did not appeal massively, although it is true that teenagers may find such things irresistible. More seriously, I think a better sense of audience might have helped here, although the lack of knowledge about places is not easy to remedy. (WJEC)
Lack of knowledge in general is certainly not easy to remedy, especially in the short term when you are preparing for an exam. But if we took it back a couple of steps, and started to ‘plan for injury’ in schools, not just on the sports field, how might we try and address this lack of knowledge? What would we need to change? When and where would be need to begin? When you think about it like this, the advantages of a coherent and sequenced knowledge-based curriculum become very obvious.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Debating Education review

Debating Education review

by The Wing to Heaven
I spent yesterday at the Michaela Community School Debating Education event, which was absolutely brilliant. I spoke against the motion ‘Sir Ken is right: traditional education kills creativity’, and Guy Claxton spoke for it. Here are some of my notes from this debate, and the day.
It’s about methods, not aims
I agree with Sir Ken Robinson that creativity is the aim of education. However, where we disagree is on how you can best develop such creativity. Sir Ken praises High Tech High’s model of instruction, where instead of memorising, pupils are doing. Guy Claxton recommends, among other things, that to develop the skill of imagining, pupils should lie on the ground, look at the sky and then 'close their eyes to imagine how the sky changes as a storm approaches.' By contrast, I think the best way to develop creativity is through direct instruction, memorisation and deliberate practice (for a specific example of how memorisation leads to creativity in a scheme of work on Midsummer Night's Dream, see here). This might sound counter-intuitive, but actually, such practices are more effective at developing creativity than just asking children to be creative. Robert Bjork has shown that performance isn’t the same as learning. K Anders Ericsson has shown that what matters isn’t just practice, but deliberate practice: ‘mere repetition of an activity will not automatically lead to improvement’. Deliberate practice is when you isolate the component parts of a task and repeatedly practice them instead. So asking pupils to do creative tasks isn’t the best way of developing creativity. Asking them to memorise examples of rhetorical devices might not look creative, but it might be better at developing creativity. The question is not about finding a balance between memory and creativity, or between knowledge and skill. It’s about recognising that memory is the pathway to creativity, and that skill is composed of knowledge. As John Anderson said, ‘All that there is to intelligence is the simple accrual and tuning of many small bits of knowledge which in total make up complex cognition. The whole is no more than the sum of its parts, but it has a lot of parts.’
What we had in yesterday’s debate was not a false dichotomy. There was real disagreement. If Sir Ken and Guy set up a school and I set up a school, they would look very different, even though we both had the same aim. And because we have the same aim, the argument is not about whether I am in favour of creativity or not (I am), or whether Sir Ken is in favour of knowledge or not (I’m prepared to accept he is), or whether we just need a balance between the two. The argument is about whose methods are more successful at delivering our shared aim of creativity.
The other debates
I’m very grateful to all at Michaela for organising so many good debates. Bruno Reddy and Andrew Old debated the value of mixed ability teaching.  James O’Shaughnessy and Joe Kirby had all the RE & philosophy teachers in the room getting excited  with their discussion of  ethics, character,  and ancient Greek philosophers. Katie Ashford and John Blake argued about the perennially  vexed issue of Ofsted.  Finally, Jonny Porter and Francis Glibert clashed over the reputation of Michael Gove, in front of an audience which may well have included nearly every teacher in England who agreed with him.
I particularly liked the way the day was structured as a series of debates. As one of the debaters, I can assure you that preparing for a debate of this type is a lot more hard work than preparing for a panel discussion. But I think it does also result in a better event. At panel discussions, it’s really easy for everyone to speak for five minutes on their pet theme, regardless of what the topic actually is. Even if the chair is good, it’s often hard to really get to the  heart of an issue. But with debates like these, you very quickly get to  the important and controversial issues. There are plenty of false dichotomies in education, certainly. But there are some real ones too, and we shouldn’t be afraid to discuss them. We discussed the hell out of them yesterday!

Sunday, 22 November 2015

The app that lets you create Khan Academy-style videos in 60 seconds

How flipped educators can create video tutorials a la Khan in no time flat

P West Screen snip 2Blended learning and flipped learning just got a whole lot easier.
Anyone can now create learning resources for students in little more time that is required for a normal explanation of a topic.
  • Recording solutions to math problems — almost as quick as solving the problem on paper.
  • Highlighting important text, and explaining concepts along the way — a breeze.
  • Sketching, labelling and explaining diagrams with audio annotation — child’s play.
  • Providing personal feedback on a student’s work — super simple.
  • Taking a photograph of anything – an art work, an experiment, a building – and then drawing on it while explaining concepts — quick and easy.
The recordings can then be played on virtually any device, and are easily placed in a LMS or OLE (Online Learning Environment).
Thus, almost anything that I would normally write on paper to explain to a student I now do on my computer (a pen-based Windows tablet — in my case a Surface Pro 3). The time overhead is minimal, and students can replay the explanation whenever and wherever is needed, as many times as is needed.
It makes blended and flipped learning much easier, as these types of learning resources are now easy for anyone to make.
A Microsoft Garage project called Snip (not to be confused with the Snipping Tool) has been released. While still in the “preview” stage, it is stable and works well. It is quick and simple, and is effective for a large percentage of learning and teaching situations.
Download and install the app. The app then sits as a thin line at the top of the screen.
Tap or hover a mouse on this line and it opens to reveal a set of three tools. You can use the built in “whiteboard” (middle icon) or take a photo (icon on the right).
P West Snip main controls
The initial recording choices offered by Snip.
The majority of the time I annotate a clip of my computer screen (Note that the area that can be annotated in the Snip app is fixed). Click on the icon on the left to do this, and select an area of your screen. This can be a web page, a document, a worksheet, or anything that can be displayed on your screen. When writing an explanation, such as a Math problem or some text, I use OneNote to create colored, lined “paper.”
P West Snip screen 1
The Snip screen with ruled lines for writing.
P West Screen snip 2
The Snip screen with annotations on an image.
The area of the screen selected then appears as an image inside a window with some basic tools — pens of various colors, erasers and a record button.
Simply press the record icon and start writing and explaining. You can pause if you wish, and press the stop icon when you are done.
The simplicity of the tool is one of its major attractions. The functions provided make it easy for even a technology-wary teacher to understand and use effectively, and its capabilities are enough for a large percentage of teaching scenarios. (There are many more complex tools available that provide greater functionality and editing capabilities. This is not meant to compete with these tools.)
Once complete, you can share the recording in a number of ways.
I normally click the “Save” icon (at the top right of the window) and a .mp4 video file is produced. Other options are available, as shown in the screen shot.
P West Screen snip 3
The interface when a Snip has been recorded showing the save and sharing options.
I then load the video into the appropriate course in our OLE, where it can be used by all students wherever and whenever they wish.
How much extra time is needed to do this?
  • Opening the app – 1 second.
  • Selecting an area of the screen or taking a photo – 5 seconds.
  • Explaining the concept – This is time I would have spent anyway. This will also vary depending upon the task.
  • Pressing the “Stop” icon and saving the video as a .mp4 file – The amount of time varies. On my i5 Surface Pro 3, a 49 second “snip” took 12 seconds to convert and save as a .mp4 file. (If necessary, the resulting .mp4 video file can be converted using free conversion software to a smaller file.)
  • Loading the video into a page in my OLE – This depends on the speed of the internet connection. In this case it was 11 seconds.
The total time is less than 60 seconds. However, students now have another resource available online to assist learning, potentially providing hours of replays over coming semesters.
This combination of this Snip app and a digital ink-capable tablet with a fine-grained pressure sensitive digital pen has the potential to make the lives of teachers and students much better.
It also provides another valuable tool for teachers to transition to blended and flipped learning. It is a wonderful example of a simple technology dramatically enhancing learning.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

common OER repositories:

list of web links to common OER repositories:
  • Jorum - free learning and teaching resources, created and contributed by teaching staff from UK FE and HE institutions
  • Merlot - MERLOT is a curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services contributed and used by an international education community.
  • Open University’s OpenLearn - The Open University’s range of free educational courses and resources.
  • MIT’s Open Courseware - Free online educational resources from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
  • XPERT - repository of e-learning resources created through the open source e-learning development tool called Xerte Online Toolkits
  • Khan academy - 3600 videos from across many disciplines
  • TES - shared teaching resources of all kinds, mainly for schools, but also for the VET sector.
  • OER COMMONS - open educational resources for all sectors.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Progressing teaching from 'good' to 'outstanding': special schools

How can a special school progress teaching from 'good' to 'outstanding'? We relay advice from the headteacher of an 'outstanding' special school and one of our associate education experts. We also look at Ofsted inspection reports containing advice to improve teaching from 'good' to 'outstanding'.

Guidance from an 'outstanding' special school

We spoke to Alan Black, headteacher of Beatrice Tate School, a special school in Tower Hamlets. Beatrice Tate was graded ‘outstanding’ at its most recent inspection.
Alan said that special schools looking to improve the quality of teaching from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’ should consider the following steps:

Find priorities from the most recent inspection report

Alan said that special schools, like mainstream schools rated ‘good’, will be given reasons in the inspection report as to why they are not yet ‘outstanding’. Schools should use these, along with the comments in the inspection report on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment (or, for inspections prior to September 2015, the quality of teaching and learning), and Ofsted’s grade descriptors for ‘outstanding’ teaching, to identify specific priorities for improvement.
We look at examples from Ofsted reports in section 3 in this article. The grade descriptors for the quality of teaching, learning and assessment are set out in a KeyDoc in another article from The Key:

Make the priorities specific

The school may decide that teaching methods are not suitably differentiated ... and focus on this as one priority
Alan emphasised the need to be analytical about these areas of focus as much as possible. They should be specific areas of teaching practice that the school can identify for improvement, rather than a target to just improve teaching. For example, the school may decide that teaching methods are not suitably differentiated to suit the variety of needs within each class, and focus on this as one priority.

Build these priorities into self-evaluation and improvement planning

Alan also stressed the importance of taking a methodical approach to these identified priorities. This means, he said, building them strategically into school improvement plans and self-evaluation.
He said this is important because there are not necessarily quick fixes. They need to build these in strategically, because it may take two or three terms to measure the impact of any actions on the quality of teaching. The timescales should therefore be realistic.
It is also important, Alan said, because the datasets available to special schools are more limited. Pupil outcomes are a sensible measure for whether changes to teaching practice are having a positive impact, but special schools may not measure progress and achievement in the same way as mainstream schools. Therefore, it may take longer to demonstrate a significant impact on pupil achievement.
... while you may be able to learn from ‘outstanding’ special schools, you should only do so if what they are doing matches your identified priorities for improvement

If looking to learn from other schools, be focused

Alan said that, while you may be able to learn from ‘outstanding’ special schools, you should only do so if what they are doing matches your identified priorities for improvement. So, for example, if you are looking to improve on multi-sensory teaching methods to help differentiate teaching processes, only look to schools who are doing this well. Don’t just find other special schools that are graded as ‘outstanding’ for the quality of teaching and arrange a visit without a specific focus in mind.

Suggested areas of focus: expert advice

We also spoke to one of our associate education experts, Gulshan Kayembe. Gulshan advised on the following areas of focus for improving teaching from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’.

Assessment in special schools

The Key has a collection of articles dedicated to assessment and curriculum information, with guidance and examples specific to special schools.


Gulshan emphasised the importance of focusing on the personalisation of teaching methods in special schools, because of the specific pupil needs. She said that, because of this, schools need to ensure their assessment systems identify the gaps in pupils’ knowledge.
This will allow resources to be directed to these areas. Gulshan suggested that making good use of questioning and feedback will help the assessment system uncover these gaps in knowledge.
The assessment systems in place should also allow teachers to measure ‘small steps’ of progress, because of the needs and potential learning difficulties of pupils. Gulshan said that the progress pupils make may be in smaller increments than in mainstream schools, and the difference between ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ teaching may be in displaying these smaller steps of progress. Therefore, the assessment system needs to be able to reflect that.

Use of teaching assistants

Gulshan said that it is crucial for special schools to ensure strong partnerships between the teaching staff and teaching assistants (TAs). The TAs need to be well briefed and have the right resources to assist classroom teachers.
Another article from The Key includes further guidance from Gulshan, and other sources, on how to ensure strong partnerships between teachers and TAs in special schools.

Behaviour management

... as some pupils in special schools may have behavioural difficulties, it is important to ensure teachers and TAs are equipped with the right behaviour management techniques
Gulshan also mentioned the need for a consistent behaviour management strategy, which should be reflected in the school's behaviour policy. She said that, as some pupils in special schools may have behavioural difficulties, it is important to ensure teachers and TAs are equipped with the right behaviour management techniques.
The following articles from The Key look at behaviour management advice for special schools.

Tips on behaviour management

An article published by SEN Magazine includes tips for managing young people with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD):

Ofsted: ‘outstanding’ teaching in a special school

Kilton Thorpe Specialist Academy in North Yorkshire was graded ‘outstanding’ in all areas when inspected in July 2015. Pages 5-6 of the inspection report include the following comments about the ‘outstanding’ teaching:
A particular strength of the teaching in the school is teachers’ knowledge of the needs of each individual pupil
A particular strength of the teaching in the school is teachers’ knowledge of the needs of each individual pupil. They use this information expertly to ensure that what they plan for pupils to do has a very effective impact on learning …
Teachers are very skilled in a wide range of communication techniques, for example, through objects, symbols or photographs or signed communication. They observe pupils and listen carefully to ensure that they have understood exactly what the pupil is asking or saying so that they always give a thoughtful response.
It adds:
Staff frequently reflect on the quality and impact of their teaching alongside other staff. As a result, teaching is improving continuously and pupils learn and achieve outstandingly well during their time at school.
The inspection report is available here:

Sources and further reading

Gulshan Kayembe is an independent consultant who has experience of inspecting schools. As a consultant, she provides mentoring for senior leaders and has worked as an external adviser on headteachers’ performance management.