Resources for supporting students with Special Educational Needs in Computing
- There is a collection of ideas for teaching Computing to SEND pupils at: Any further contributions welcome. This also has a page linking to resources gathered at the SEND Computing Conference in Dec 2015.
- Computing ITT and CPD – A collection of teacher-curated resources to deliver the new computing curriculum. Includes a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities page with links to resources, equipment and research.
- Barefoot Computing Project – A collection of resources to help teachers of Computing, including resources explaining the key computational thinking concepts, and some new teaching activities aimed at teachers of students with SEN.
- Somerset County Council ELIM SEND Computing Resources – Some excellent resources from the eLearning and Information Management Team, including Computational Thinking for SEN, and Programming Progression for Learners with Complex Needs. There is some additional information on SEND here.
- has some Scratch resources for SEND under the Resources tab, both to use as a resource for teaching computational thinking, and also for introducing Scratch.
- is a very useful wiki on a number of gesture-based technologies for those students with severe and profound learning difficulties, who won’t be able to access the Computing curriculum, but can have meaningful interactions with content through Eye Gaze, iPads, Kinect etc.
- Revised P Scales for Computing – a group of educators have been working on an alternative to the P Scales for Computing, which don’t really reflect the content of the new Programs of Study. The first draft of this can be viewed in our Resources section here, and will be useful for teachers wanting to know what Computing looks like for young people working at these levels.
- #CASChat: How do I make Computing appropriate for SEN pupils? – Storify of the #CASChat 6/10/15.
- Dr Maya Israel’s blog post on inclusion in CS education for