Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Allow schoolchildren to rate their teachers, says top head Schoolchildren should be allowed to rate their teachers as part of a move designed to root out substandard performers in the classroom, according to a leading headmaster.

Allow schoolchildren to rate their teachers, says top head

Schoolchildren should be allowed to rate their teachers as part of a move designed to root out substandard performers in the classroom, according to a leading headmaster.

Richard Cairns, the head of Brighton College, said that pupils should be able to rate their teachers' performance in the classroom.
Richard Cairns, the head of Brighton College, said that pupils should be able to rate their teachers' performance in the classroom. Photo: REX
The Government should introduce a national appraisal system in which all pupils mark teachers against a range of indicators such as motivation levels, difficulty of work, behaviour management, marking quality and preparation for exams, it was claimed.
Richards Cairns, the headmaster of Brighton College, said pupil feedback was a more effective method of holding teachers to account than Ofsted inspections or exam results.
All good headmasters "know what the ‘word on the street’ is regarding good or bad teachers" but this system gives them truly objective evidence to back it up, he said.
Brighton College, a fee-paying school, is believed to be the first school in the country to use pupil feedback in such a systematic way.
As part of the process, all pupils taught by a particular teacher give them a score from one to five using 22 different criteria on an online questionnaire. The information is used as part of three-yearly staff appraisals and checks on new teachers.
In a speech today, Mr Cairns will call on Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, to introduce it as a compulsory element of teacher performance assessment in state schools. It coincides with a shift towards a system of performance-related pay for all teachers next year.
The comments – at the annual meeting of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference in London – are likely to prompt anger from teacher unions who have strongly criticised the use of pupils’ judgments in the past amid claims it undermines staff. This includes schools that allow children to sit in on interview panels.
But speaking before his conference address, Mr Cairns said: "I think if Gove is serious about sorting out teaching then he’s got to do it.
"He’s got to give heads the authority whatever the unions think. Most teachers we have who have gone through this process have found it hugely positive."
He said that the process could lead to some teachers being asked to leave, adding: "Where the responses are all negative, you need to have a frank discussion with the teacher and say, ‘is this the right profession for you?’
“If it isn’t, then I think most teachers would like to know.
"The great tragedy of the schoolmaster and schoolmistress is when they spend years doing something they are not good at but no-one knows that for certain or picks them up on it."
Brighton introduced the system four years ago. This autumn, it has also been introduced at the London Academy of Excellence – a state-funded sixth-form college sponsored by a series of independent schools including Brighton and Eton.
It revolves around 22 “closed statements”, with pupils marking teachers from one to five. Children have no opportunity to leave further comments – preventing those with a grudge from venting their anger or making unfounded claims.
Traditionally, teachers are judged through lesson observations carried out by senior staff or education inspectors, with staff also held to account through pupils’ results.
But Mr Cairns said both were “seriously flawed”.
“When you assess a teacher these days, it is often through lesson observation, which inspectors use a lot,” he said.
“The problem with that, firstly, is that teachers can put on a good lesson and, secondly, the environment in the classroom is very different when someone is observing, so kids can behave in a different way.
“It is a really unsatisfactory way of assessing whether a teacher is any good.
“The other way of assessing performance is through exam results. I think exam results tell you a lot about the culture of the school overall but they don’t necessarily tell you about how good the individual teacher is.”
Children are asked to rate teachers from one (positive) to five (negative) based on the following 22 statements:
1. The classroom is an environment where I feel encouraged, can voice my opinion and be valued as an individual.
2. My teacher sets clear expectations for my behaviour.
3. My teacher sets clear expectations for my studies and the quality of my work, and reinforces these verbally and showing me what is expected.
4. Learning experiences in the classes are varied and challenging.
5. My teacher caters for my learning style and my ability level.
6. My teacher provides me with suitable resources and reading material.
7. When I have difficulties, I am encouraged and motivated to improve upon my performance.
8. My teacher returns assessed work promptly.
9. My teacher provides me with useful comments on my assessed work.
10. I understand the assessment criteria that my teacher is using.
11. My teacher motivates me to achieve more and improve my attainment.
12. My teacher encourages me to achieve my personal goals.
13. I have learned new skills in this subject this year.
14. I have improved my knowledge and understanding in this subject this year.
15. I feel well prepared for my exams (I have revision notes, knowledge of the papers, past questions etc.).
16. My teacher encourages me to take responsibility for my own progress.
17. My teacher is passionate by his/her subject.
18. I am treated fairly and with respect during each lesson.
19. I am encouraged to treat others with consideration and respect.
20. How much do you enjoy lessons in this subject in comparison with other subjects (choose 5 for “much less”, 3 for “about the same”, and 1 for “a lot more”)?
21. How actively involved to you feel in lessons in this subject compared to other subjects?
22.How best would you describe the pace of learning (choose 5 for “too slow”, 4 for “a bit slow”, 3 for “about right”, 2 for “a bit fast” and 1 for “too fast”)?