Monday, 20 January 2014

Research Insights: Evidence-based best practice from SecEd & NFER

From improving staff engagement and student happiness, to preventing NEETs or running a Pupil Premium Summer School, the SecEd-NFER Research Insights articles offer a wealth of evidence-based, best practice and advice. All 11 articles published to date are now available in a free PDF.

A partnership between SecEd and the NFER has seen the publication of an ongoing series of research-based articles offering practical and useful advice and information to help schools improve outcomes in key areas.
The latest article, published in January 2014, focuses on measuring and promoting/improving the happiness of your students and what this can do for our overall outcomes. The article also looks at how schools can promote staff engagement and satisfaction.
This free PDF download includes all 11 NFER/SecEd Research Insightsarticles to date tackling topics such as effective alcohol education, Pupil Premium Summer Schools, computer games in the classroom, teaching 21st century skills, creativity, promoting healthy eating, preventing NEETs, self-evaluation and more.
To download the free PDF, click the link above or visit our Supplements